If you run, or are a member of an ADHD support group, then these one to two hour long sessions are for you. These talks will give a good overview of what psychotherapy is and how it can benefit people with ADHD. Talks can include a variety of ADHD and therapy related topics including:


What is ADHD?

What is Neurodiversity?

What are the differences between ADHD brains and neurotypical brains


What is psychotherapy therapy?
How does psychotherapy help with ADHD?
What is Mindfulness?
How does Mindfulness help with ADHD?
Differences in Therapy and Coaching for ADHD and the benefits of each

Q&A session

An integral part of the session will be the opportunity to ask questions regarding the use and benefits of therapy, and how those with ADHD can benefit from therapeutic interventions to manage emotions and behaviours

Bespoke talks can also be arranged to meet the current topic of your group. Talks to non-profit ADHD Support Groups are FREE. These can include

Anger and Annoyance in ADHD | How Mindfulness can help with ADHD | ADHD and Executive Functions.

To enquire about booking a talk for your group please contact me.