These free workshops are for anyone to join, whether you have ADHD, know someone with ADHD, or are curious about ADHD. I will talk you through how a whole host of unhealthy emotions including anger, anxiety, guilt and shame are affected by ADHD and give a breif introduction to some of the strategies we can implement to help control these emotions. These are the same strategies that are taught in more detail in group and individual therapy sessions. To find out when the next session will be running or too book a space, fill out the form below.
You’ll learn the basics of ADHD and how the ADHD Brain is different
How ADHD affects our ability to regulate our emotions
How ADHD affects motivation to get things done, our ability to plan and make plans for the future, and how in turn that further affects our emotions.
You’ll be given an introduction to emotions
Learn about healthy and unhealthy emotions
You’ll also be introduced to the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy framework and see how therapy works on thoughts and emotions.
For more information about these free workshops, please enquire below and I will be in touch.